We’ve Been Busy…

December 19th, 2006

The past week has been quite busy for us. Last week Andrew was in DC while the second big storm hit our area. A few weeks ago, it was heavy rains that caused flooding in our area, but this past week we had a very scary wind storm, the worst that I remember since the one we had when I was in 6th grade. The power was out for 36 hours, and we sustained damage to our roof and deck awning. Andrew was able to fix the awning when he got home, but the roof is too steep and slippery to attempt fixing, so we had a guy come this weekend to look at it and give an estimate. He should be coming back between now and Thursday to fix it for us.

Sunday was a special day for us, as Patrick participated for the first time in the Sunday School Christmas program. He got to wear an angel costume and stand up in front of the church with the other two, three, four, and five year olds, singing Away in the Manger. We had practiced the song with him for several weeks before the performance, and he had the hand motions down for the first verse (since those are the only ones I remembered!!!), but as you can see from the video my brother posted on his blog, Patrick pretty much just watched all the other kids the whole time. Fortunately, Wesley, the little boy next to him, didn’t do anything either, so Patrick wasn’t the only one. At least he didn’t scream!

Andrew’s parents and three younger siblings will be coming to stay with us a week, and celebrate Christmas with us. They’ll be here tomorrow, so I’ve been busy preparing food ahead of time, washing sheets, cleaning and vacuuming, and so I’ve been quite busy. Andrew’s trying to get the guest bedroom painted really fast, so things have been incredibly hectic around here. Patrick and Sammy are definitely excited to see their other grandparents and have some other uncle and aunts around!  My sisters come home (to my parents’ home, not mine!) on Thursday, so we’ll have the whole Feucht family together again this year, the first in several years… We’re definitely looking forward to it!

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