
May 31st, 2007

We have a chart on our refrigerator called “Wise Word for Moms” by Ginger Pullman, which lists different types of situations where you need to reprimand your children. It also gives verses that you can teach your children while dealing with common issues such as conflict resolution and anger. We haven’t actually used it with Patrick, since he still isn’t communicating very much, but it has been helpful for me! One of the issues is coveting and contentment. The charts asks “What do you truly need that you don’t already have?”. I’ve thought about that question a lot. Invariably, my answer is always “nothing”. Of course there are little day to day needs, such as food, that will always be there, but on the whole, we seriously take for granted all the blessings we’ve been given already! It’s so easy to be discontent, to always be wanting something bigger and better, but I’ve learned that in the long run, it doesn’t really matter. We don’t need it… and we’re doing very well with what we already have. That one little question has really helped me in the past months… it helps me remember that I don’t need new clothes, new shoes, new items for the house, new this and that, because I’m fine just the way I am right now. Now a baby girl would be nice… but I guess I don’t really need one of those either ;o).


  1. whitney says

    baby girls are nice indeed!
    i’m sorry that we didn’t have more time to chat at the reception for dr. rogland. elasaid was incredibly fussy and spent much of the evening complaining loudly, as you and a large portion of tacoma heard. i never even made it into the sanctuary! oh, well. she’s usually a pretty cool customer, so i too have every reason to be content.
    congratulations on baby number three! i can’t wait to find out who it is!

    May 31st, 2007 | #

  2. Lori says

    I am in TOTAL agreement with this post. I have been feeling like such a slob lately because only barely half of my clothes fit. (My pants are all too lose and my shirts are all too tight. Pregnancy does weird things to the body as you are again finding out!)
    Thanks for this post. I needed it. I really don’t need anything.

    May 31st, 2007 | #

  3. Aunt Karen says

    I needed to be reminded of this too! I’ve learned over the years that this self talk really pays off … “is this purchase really necessary?” or “will it really benefit me or my family?” I admire how you take the managment of your household so seriously at such a young age. You are also an intelligent girl with a good education yet you use it prudently to benefit your family rather than persuing an image for yourself with a career and bigger income. It’s shocking to hear couples who are dedicating their babies at church answer the pastor’s question of what they do, and almost 100% of the time the new mom has this demanding career outside the home too! You wonder how these parents could be serious about raising godly children!

    May 31st, 2007 | #

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