Separation Anxiety?

April 2nd, 2007

I think Sammy might have just recently developed a strange sort of separation anxiety. Lately, there are just certain times when I try to get Sammy to play by himself in the exersaucer, the playpen, the floor, etc, and he will immediately start crying at the top of his lungs as if he’s on the verge of death. Pick him up and he’s fine. The weird thing, though, is that he doesn’t care who is picking him up as long as he’s being held. He prefers Mommy and Daddy, but he’s fine in the nursery at church if someone is playing with him. But the moment I stick him somewhere to play by himself, he gets ANGRY. Sometimes he’ll be fine playing on the floor, but then he’ll see me and realize that I’m not holding him and begin throwing a major fit. Yesterday I put him in the nursery during Sunday School, and I almost felt bad because as soon as I got him in that exersaucer he was wailing at the top of his lungs. I put him a vibrating rocker chair, and he seemed to calm down, enough so that I took the chance to sneak out of the room. I have a feeling that the peace couldn’t have lasted for long, but I never bothered to ask. He was busy playing on the ground with several other babies when I came to pick him up, and he seemed happy mainly because he was sitting in the lap of one of the nursery attendants! Patrick was always a different story. He loved the nursery, from the time I began putting him in at 3 months. There was a time, for about a month, where he would cry when we first dropped him off, but as soon as he saw all the toys he’d forget about us and have fun. We use to have a hard time getting him to leave… Sammy, I can tell, is going to be different. As much as I love spending time with the little guy, sometimes it’s just not possible to give him the constant attention he wants. I hope this is just a phase that passes soon…

Busy Weekend

April 2nd, 2007

This morning I woke up and walked downstairs, only to remember the pile of dishes I had backed up in the kitchen. A tell tale sign of a busy weekend. On Friday, Andrew had the day off and he took the time to catch up on some stuff that he’s been putting off for a while, mainly computer stuff that I don’t even pretend to understand! I spent most of Friday morning cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, washing the floors, and getting ready for company on Sunday. Friday evening we packed the boys in the car and made a trip to the new Walmart, where we bought curtains for Patrick’s room and the kids’ bathroom. Afterwards, we decided to take a little trip down to Canyon Road, where we visited a hardware store and started picking up new plants for our yard. Andrew let me pick out several different rose bushes. Roses are by far my favorite flower, and I picked a dark red “Mr. Lincoln” and a light pink with white tips “Delicate Beauty”. These were the colors of my wedding flowers :o). We also got several arborvitae, 2 rhododendrons (my dad would like that!), fuchsia starts for two hanging baskets, and a couple other things that I forgot :o). After that, we went over to this really neat pet store that sells exotic pets. Last time we were there, they had a pair of chipmunks! They were soooo cute. We saw a bunch of squirrels, bunnies, and other rodents, a chicken and duck that have free reign of the store (be careful, they bite!), several pure bred expensive yappy dogs like chihuahuas and bischon frise’s, and lots of colorful tropical fish. Patrick loves animals, so he was really enjoying it. Sammy, in the baby carrier, was too busy trying to grab anything that got within arm’s reach.

On Saturday morning, I continued to prepare the house for company and get some odd jobs done while Andrew went into Tacoma to help a group from the church do some work for one of the families in need of help. Afterwards, he went to Lowe’s and picked up even MORE plants for the yard. He spent the afternoon planting everything in the ground. Patrick spent the afternoon playing with a bunch of the neighbor kids, who like to push him in their wagon. I had time to take a nap. Saturday evening Andrew sweetly took me to Michael’s to pick up some craft things, and then we went to Panda Express for dinner. I had a coupon for a free entree with the purchase of a two-entree meal, and so we managed to to pay under $6 for Andrew, Patrick and I to eat lots of yummy chow mein and orange flavored chicken. It was good. That night, we rented an interesting movie called The Prestige. It was actually pretty good. Andrew and I are usually disappointed with a lot of the movies that have come out recently, since we’re picky, and it managed to pass our little test. Definitely one of those movies that we’d like to see again someday.

Sunday was pretty busy for us. We woke up early for the early service and then attended Sunday School. Afterwards, we rushed home to put the beef tips in the oven, set the table, and do some last minute cleaning. We had the Bechtels and my parents and brothers over. Ron Bechtel is the church organist and was also our real estate agent. We had been meaning to have them over to see the house for quite a while, and just finally got around to it. This was the first time in a long time that we’ve had company over for Sunday lunch, so I had spent a lot of time worrying about cooking times and making sure that everything was clean, but it all turned out well. Sunday evening, however, Andrew and I were both exhausted and the boys were on their last legs, so we all went to bed early.

And now it’s Monday again. Another busy week ahead of us, with Easter being this Sunday. Sorry I don’t have any pictures, but I’m sure we’ll take a ton next week!

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