We’ve had a lot of requests for more pictures on our blog. Sorry we’ve been absent… life is busy with three little guys. I am making up for the lack of July posts with lots of pictures!!!
On Saturday we had Sammy’s birthday party. We decided to do a hedgehog theme this year. Unfortunately, it’s not a common children’s birthday party theme, so I had a hard time finding a lot of decorations and such. But it was still fun. I started by making a hedgehog cake:

Which was complete, of course, with hedgehog hand puppet we found at Border’s one day. We also had a windup hedgie toy from Gymboree, but some little trouble maker had taken it off the table ;o)
And then we had the hedgehog outfits that we found at Gymboree:

One for Sammy

and one for Ethan

Sorry, Patrick, they don’t make hedgie outfits in your size, though you do get a dart gun instead. I don’t think you really care anyways..

At the party Kaiya got to try Zwieback toast for the first time. She loved it

and Ethan liked his, too. It’s about the only solid food he really likes to eat!
(Amy, if you see this, I think he looks a little like Blake in this picture. What do you think?)

Ethan also got to play with one of Sammy’s balloons. That is, until…

Sammy decided it was time to let all the balloons go bye bye… doesn’t Patrick look devastated???

Sammy was having so much fun, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to stay inside or out…

That is, until it was time to open presents. The Whaley’s gave Sammy a special hedgie book… perfect for the occasion.

Sammy was having a lot of fun opening his presents

Mommy and Daddy got him a wooden stacking toy, which he really liked

While Patrick and Sammy were enjoying the toys, Ethan was having a lot of fun being with Opa

Oma and Opa got Sammy a soft Eric Carle block that makes noises… he and Patrick both got a kick out of it!

This is how Uncle Jonny felt during the present opening. He was a little ticked that he didn’t get anything!

Then it was time for Sammy to blow out the candles. He did it all by himself!

Sammy loved the cake. Mommy was even nice enough to let him have seconds!

After Sammy had made a total mess of his outfit, we let him strip down to his diaper- why not, he’s the birthday boy? Mommy made this one especially for him. It says “Warning: 2 Year Old”!!!!

After Oma and Opa left, we all acted like civilized adults, and had a dart gun war. Even the Whaley’s joined in the fun!

Sammy found himself a target yet again! He couldn’t quite figure out why his back felt funny 😛

Ethan just watched the dart war and smiled. He’s much too refined for such silliness.
Well, there were more pictures… lots, lots more. I took about 170 during the party. But I’ll leave you with those! Sammy’s real birthday is on Thursday, so we’ll probably let him at a cupcake or something. I did save one present for him to open on his real birthday. It always feels sad if your real b-day is ignored because you already had your party, or your party is to come later. So we’ll probably have more pictures with Sammy actually turns the big T-W-O!!!!