A Visit to Oma’s

October 4th, 2005

Yesterday Andrew and I dropped Patrick off at Oma’s so that we could go on a walk through the neighborhood by ourselves. During the brief visit, Patrick discovered several new things! First of all, Patrick got to eat spaghetti for the first time ever, and he loved it! He really enjoyed the noodles especially, although he ended up with more of his food stuck to his bib and face than in his tummy!

One thing that we’ve had a problem with when going to Oma’s is that Patrick can easily scale the stairs now, but he wants to go head first back down every time, even though we’ve tried to teach him to take them going feet first. Well, yesterday Patrick escaped Opa’s study and headed straight for the stairs before Oma or Opa could catch him. He fell down half the stairs and landed, dazed but not hurt, on the middle landing. Later, Patrick seemed to avoid trying to go down the stairs at all, and kept a healthy distance from that top step. I think he learned his lesson, but just in case we’ll be getting a baby gate for the stairs.

Right as we were leaving Oma’s house, we were saying good bye when we realized that Patrick was waving good bye to Grandma too! It was the cutest thing!!! We love our little Patrick!

1 Comment »

  1. Godith says

    “Feeding the baby spaghetti” is always such a good picture and Patrick’s is up to the standard. Al Tricarico would be proud of him.

    October 8th, 2005 | #

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