Winter Wonderland and a New Hair Style

December 3rd, 2005

This past week it snowed here twice. The first time it snowed about an inch and melted by the next day. Then it snowed a couple inches the day after that and stayed around for a couple of days. This morning it has melted again. Snow in this part of Washington usually doesn’t stay more than a few days at a time, which is nice for people like me who like the snow but soon tire of it when I have to go about my work in the wet, slippery, slushy, mushy sludge. Here are a few pictures of our little boy enjoying his first snow of the winter!

This is Mr. Spike Hair

Goofy Mr. Spike Hair

I never mentioned that Patrick got his first hair cut the day before Thanksgiving. His hair in the back was getting long and making him look like he had a girl haircut, so he got a trim. Andrew held him down and he squirmed while I quickly chopped the long hair off. We didn’t touch the hair on top though. We like wetting it and making it stick up in funny ways!

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