Baby Guessing Contest

March 3rd, 2006

When I was pregnant with Patrick we had a little contest to see who could the most accurately guess the gender, birth date, and weight of our new baby. The winner of that contest was Rachel Arnold, Rachel’s friend, because she had the earliest date and the lowest weight! I still have to get her a prize for winning (I only just now remembered about the contest and figured out who won!!!). Well, I’ve already got someone who is dying to play the game again, and they’ve already given me their guesses! So, if you’re interested, please comment to this blog site your guesses as to the gender, birth date and weight of the baby. Bear in mind that the due date is August 16th, but Patrick was 3 1/2 weeks early and weighed 5 lb, 5 oz. Once you make a guess you cannot change your answer! I will tailor a prize gift basket to fit the winner, and it will be full of goodies that the winner likes! Happy guessing!!!


  1. Godith says

    Here goes:
    Aug. 9 (my mother’s birthday), a girl, and a weight of 6 lb. 3 oz.
    My reaons: sentiment about my mom’s birthday; nice to have a girl (!); and the first baby usually is the smallest and Aug. 9 is only a week from the due date. Only time will tell. Lv, M

    March 4th, 2006 | #

  2. Diane Feucht says


    JULY, 24TH
    It’s definitely a girl
    And it’s gonna be 6lbs, 2ounces.

    And since it’s born on my birthday, you are gonna name her after me. 🙂

    March 4th, 2006 | #

  3. Rachel anne says

    Aug. 3 , girl, 6 lb. 3.5 oz and she is going to be cuter than heck!!!!

    March 4th, 2006 | #

  4. elizabeth Feucht says

    I am putting down a girl on July 24th weighing 5lbs,4oz

    March 5th, 2006 | #

  5. The Pierces: David, Annelise, Naomi, Quinn says

    I am putting down a boy (cause Patrick needs a fellow trouble maker to team up with!), August 12th (because second babies usually surprise) and 6lbs 3 oz, because he’ll have had a little longer to put fat on his bones!

    Wonderful best congratulations. We’re so excited to be adding a new cousin to the family! Happy gestating! Lv,US

    March 5th, 2006 | #

  6. Godith says

    Great Aunt Kathy says,
    Her own birthday, Aug. 4, 6 lb. 4 oz., and a girl. Lv, M

    March 5th, 2006 | #

  7. Godith says

    Alison says,
    A BOY, 6 lb. exactly, August 1st because it’s your anniversary.

    March 5th, 2006 | #

  8. Godith says

    James is waiting until he has a dream which tells him the gender, height, weight, wrist measurement, etc., etc. 🙂 Lv, M

    March 7th, 2006 | #

  9. Rachel anne says

    i Laura~I think the baby is going to be on Aug.11, boy,
    and 5 lbs. 7 oz.

    March 12th, 2006 | #

  10. Dr. King says

    I predict this will be a boy, born on August 11th and weighing 10 pounds even. I would like to suggest a name for this boy. It’s not often used and so would help to distinguish the child and, hopefully, he would grow into the name as he matures: Shrek Flanagan!

    March 21st, 2006 | #

  11. Ty King says

    A boy, 1500lbs, 1oz. name should be wilbur.

    March 21st, 2006 | #

  12. Ty King says

    august 18th, 4 am

    March 21st, 2006 | #

  13. Mrs. King says

    A male-August 14th-7#-9oz.

    March 21st, 2006 | #

  14. James says

    I predict it will be a boy, born August 2, will weigh 7 lb.

    March 22nd, 2006 | #

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