A New Bedroom Theme for Patrick

March 23rd, 2006

Now that Patrick is a big boy, he has outgrown his ducky theme. Once we move into a new house, the new baby, whether a boy or girl, will be getting the ducky themed decor. (One of the reasons why we picked it was because it was gender neutral). Patrick will be soon ready for a big boy bed, and will need a new theme. I’ve been going over different new boyish themes for Patrick in my head, and I’ve looked at a lot of overpriced Pottery Barn Kids catalogs. I’d love some feedback on what you’d think would be a cute theme. Here are my ideas:

1)Sailboat beach theme- light blue, white and red sailboats and cute little crabs and other sea life to accent the main theme.

2)Airplane theme- light blue, dark blue, white, and maybe one other accent color. I’m thinking more of the antique looking planes over more modern day jets.

3)Dinosaur theme- lots of greens, brown and blue, maybe some red. Happy dinos are preferred for good nights’ sleep!

4)Trains- blues, greens, reds- a pretty classic theme. A classic Lionel train set would complete this theme.

5)Baseball- blue, red, white, brown- if we get Patrick involved in any sports, it will probably all start with Little League baseball.

I’m not big on doing any other sports, a car or a truck theme, but if anyone has any other ideas besides the ones here, let me know! I’m interested to see what people think would be the cutest for my little boy!

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