Little Patrick is Sick

March 16th, 2006

This week has been quite crazy. On Tuesday I took Patrick to Women’s Bible Study at the church, and I think he caught a little bug. Some of the other moms had mentioned that their families were getting over a flu bug that was going around. Well, Patrick managed to catch it. On Wednesday when I went to give Patrick his morning bottle, his crib was a mess from throwing up, and he was not feeling too well. He had a 99.9 degree temp all day yesterday, very loose stools, and wasn’t his active little self. Today I woke up to find another crib mess and a still very unhappy little boy. It’s so hard to see your little one suffering from any kind of sickness, but this has been the first big flu that Patrick has ever had, so it’s been especially difficult for us. We have him on clear liquids, jello and advil right now. I really hope this sickness clears up soon because Friday is his special little holiday, St. Patrick’s Day, and we are planning to have a special dinner with Oma and Opa that night, and it would be sad if our own little St. Patrick wasn’t able to enjoy his party.

We’d appreciate prayers for our little guy, and more prayers that Andrew and I won’t catch Patrick’s flu. Thanks!

New Site!

March 13th, 2006

Hey, we just finished upgrading from Blogger to WordPress. We’ve kept all the old posts so except for a slightly different look, everything should look mostly the same. Let us know if you see anything askew!

Cutest Little Boy!

March 7th, 2006

Here are some pictures of little Patrick from the past few days!

Patrick loves his nana

Patrick likes his Curious George sticker on his forehead!

Patrick has banana all over himself!

Patrick wears his very first tie on Sunday!

The tie lasted for about 5 minutes, before he pulled it off!

If My Mom’s Hair is Gray, I Am Having a Boy???

March 7th, 2006

One of the things that many expectant mothers like to do is try to guess the gender of their baby before it is born or before they find out via ultrasound. When I was pregnant with Patrick I remember, just for the fun of it, taking several online quizzes that could determine the gender of your baby. Most of them were using old wives’ tales, such as if the maternal grandmother’s hair is gray, the baby is a boy and so on. The other popular method for determining gender was through an ancient Chinese gender chart. Well, according to all those old wives’ tales, Patrick should have been a girl! The only thing that pointed to him being a boy was the Chinese gender chart. According to an online survey, many people try to pick the gender of their baby using this ancient Chinese chart, though according to another survey, it only had a 60% accuracy! I’m not a superstitious person and I don’t believe any of the old wives’ tales. Almost all of them have been proven false! Even things like determining gender of the baby by the way you carry (high or low) has been scientifically proven to be inaccurate. I don’t know why people even bother to remember these silly tales anymore… What’s even more funny is that people can’t even agree on what certain “signs” are suppose to tell you. If you look up info on taking the draino test to find the gender of your baby, you will read conflicting reports on which color indicates what gender. Some sites said blue shows you’re having a girl, but others said blue shows you’re having a boy. Some didn’t even mention the color blue! Likewise, if you dangle a string over your stomach, it can either swing in a circle or swing back and forth. One way should tell you you’re having a girl, and the other way a boy. However, some sites said for a boy it would swing in a circle, and others said it would go back and forth. Which is it? The reality is that it’s neither! Does anyone honestly think that a needle on a thread can really tell you what the gender of your baby is?

In case you’re wondering, not that it really gives any meaningful insight, I did take the same quizzes again with this pregnancy. One site that determined gender using old wives tales told me that I’m 100% likely to have a girl. The Chinese gender selection chart also said I would be having a girl, based solely on my age and the month of conception. I’m almost inclined to think the baby might be a boy, just to prove all these crazy methods of figuring out the gender wrong! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Baby Guessing Contest

March 3rd, 2006

When I was pregnant with Patrick we had a little contest to see who could the most accurately guess the gender, birth date, and weight of our new baby. The winner of that contest was Rachel Arnold, Rachel’s friend, because she had the earliest date and the lowest weight! I still have to get her a prize for winning (I only just now remembered about the contest and figured out who won!!!). Well, I’ve already got someone who is dying to play the game again, and they’ve already given me their guesses! So, if you’re interested, please comment to this blog site your guesses as to the gender, birth date and weight of the baby. Bear in mind that the due date is August 16th, but Patrick was 3 1/2 weeks early and weighed 5 lb, 5 oz. Once you make a guess you cannot change your answer! I will tailor a prize gift basket to fit the winner, and it will be full of goodies that the winner likes! Happy guessing!!!

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