A Pet Peeve

July 14th, 2006

Today I had one of our new neighbors come to our house with a fundraiser she was doing for her school’s soccer team. One thing I’d like to do, as a good neighbor, is to help the neighbor kids with their fundraisers, so I listened patiently to her little sales pitch. Then the particular item she was selling came up: MAGAZINES. I don’t know why selling magazines has become such a big thing to sell for fundraising. I am willing to buy gift wrap, like I use to sell in grade school. I can always use more. I am willing to buy candy (especially chocolate!). World’s Finest Chocolate has a great fundraiser, and the fliers have pictures that are mouthwatering. I might even be persuaded to buy coupon books, if they seem like a good deal and I know they are for something I can actually use. I will definitely buy Girl Scout cookies. The one thing I will not, and have absolutely no interest in, is MAGAZINES. Typically the magazine selection is scarce, and there are no magazines that I’m actually interested in. In addition, I know how little time I actually spend reading magazines, unless I’m waiting in a checkout counter at the supermarket. I know I don’t want magazines, and I have no clue who actually buys them! Certain magazines have had appeal at different times in my life: bridal magazines while I was getting married, any pregnancy magazine while I’ve been pregnant, and currently I will flip through parenting magazines, though I do not tend to agree with a lot of the stuff in them. I read through World Magazine at my parents’ house when it looks interesting, and I enjoy magazines that spark creativity and provide neat ideas, such as Martha Stewart and This Old House, although I do not own any subscriptions to them. Sometimes I will even flip through Andrew’s Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. Other than that, I’m not interested. Please, if you are considering doing a fundraiser, do not do magazines!


  1. Elizabeth Feucht says

    I totally agree with you about this subject. I hate buying magazine subscriptions.

    July 14th, 2006 | #

  2. Karen Feucht says

    You make me laugh! You are soo practical. I think that magazines best use is in the waiting rooms where I’d be bored enough to take a look at one.

    July 15th, 2006 | #

  3. Diane Feucht says

    Tee heee hee. You make me laugh. Would you like to buy a magazine?

    July 16th, 2006 | #

  4. Dad says

    Andrew gets Popular Science and Popular Mechanics? Does he read them cover to cover?

    July 19th, 2006 | #

  5. Jonathan says

    Ask them next time if they buy used magazines!

    October 21st, 2006 | #

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