Happy, Happy, Happy Easter!!!

April 8th, 2007

Happy Easter, everyone! Today was a crazy, busy, wonderful day for us in the Flanagan family, and we had lots of fun celebrating Sammy’s first Easter. Grandma and Uncle Jonny came over to help us eat all the food that I made, but we missed poor Grandpa, who was on call and dealing with lots of crazy things at the hospital. Patrick had more sugar today than he usually gets in a month, so he was wired most of the day, and ended up crashing and going to bed early. Here are just a few of the 60 pictures that we took today, not to even mention the video of Patrick’s egg hunt!


This is from yesterday… Sammy rolled under the coffee table and Patrick decided to join him


Sammy enjoying his very first Easter!


Sammy playing with his brand new toy that he got in his Easter basket


Getting them to sit still and look at the camera for a brothers’ shot is really, really hard!


Daddy playing with the boys


The boys love their daddy


The Yummy, Yummy Easter Lunch- HoneyBaked Ham, scalloped potatoes, dilly beans, Jello eggs, sunshine salad, green salad and rolls. One of my favorite meals!


Oma Feucht gave Sammy an Easter bib!


Patrick enjoyed his first egg hunt in his very own backyard


Uncle Jonny kindly carried the Easter basket so Patrick could find his eggs


Patrick on the egg hunt!


Patrick, where’s the egg???


  1. Elizabeth Feucht says

    Thanks for the great Easter day at your house. The meal was delicious. MOM

    April 10th, 2007 | #

  2. Aunt Karen says

    What adorable boys and what a busy mommy!

    April 10th, 2007 | #

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