I Can’t!

May 4th, 2007

Yes, that’s Patrick’s new phrase… “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t”. We’re not sure where he got it, but he started saying it this morning while knocking over all his legos. What a funny little boy…

We haven’t had a ton of things going on lately. BUT, we’ve had several successes with Patrick going pee in the potty by himself! He gets excited at the thought of M&M’s and he’ll go several times in a row, squeezing any possible drops out, in order to get more! What a funny kid!

Sammy is doing well. He’s had a bit of a cough the past couple of days, and we’re not sure why. He’s pretty happy despite everything, though. He’s trying so hard to crawl, but he’s still not quite there yet. Not that I’m sure I’m ready to have another mobile child in the house…

This next week Rachel is going to graduate from college. Yay, Rach! I can’t believe you’re done with college already! It will be interesting to see what you do after graduation… ;o).

That also means that Rachel and Diane are coming home for the summer. Is it summer already? I hardly had time to notice.  This summer should be quite interesting… several things to look forward to: Hawaii, Sammy’s 1st b-day (we have a great theme picked out!), our 4th wedding anniversary, a possible visit from some friends in MD, warm weather, lots of barbecuing, backpacking for Andrew (notice, I said ANDREW!) and more. We should have a lot of fun!

Other than that, not too much else new to mention! I had a request for pictures, but I haven’t really been taking many lately, so here’s what I have. Hope this is good enough until I get some new ones!


They both love their blankies and their bottles!


  1. Rachel says

    i miss my boys so much!

    May 7th, 2007 | #

  2. Elizabeth Feucht says

    Patrick is becoming more amusing all the time!! Can’t wait to see the boys after being out of town. LOVE, OMA

    May 7th, 2007 | #

  3. Aunt Karen says

    Yeh Patrick! M&M’s are such a good motivator. I remember your mom having them around in Chicago when you and Jon were little tots.

    May 9th, 2007 | #

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