Baby Crawls and Baby Steps

May 10th, 2007

Things have been quite hectic in our household. Here’s what’s been going on:

Samuel: It’s happening again… he’s TEETHING. Nothing is keeping this little guy happy for very long. I even tried Hyland’s homeopathic tablets, because one of my friends said that it worked for her little boy, but to no avail… I can see two top teeth on the verge of breaking through, and they’re causing a lot of fussing, a lot of screaming, a lot of very unhappy baby time! HOWEVER, things aren’t totally bad with Sammy. He’s making a lot of headway on his crawling. He’s figured out how to propel his body forward with his feet, pull that fat little tummy of his off the ground, but there’s still one setback: he won’t get those fingers out of his mouth! So, he tries to move along on one hand, one elbow, finds himself unstable, and ends up rolling on his side. I’ve tried to motivate him to pull those fingers out and he’s moved forward a little bit, but he just LOVES those fingers. He’s such a silly little guy.

Patrick: While Sammy is busy with baby crawls, Patrick is very busy with baby steps, but not the walking kind. We’re making some good progress on the potty training. Patrick is starting to understand the urges of his body, and will go pee in the potty as soon as we place him there. Sometimes he will take the initiative and go by himself. The thing we need to teach him now is that he needs to consistently use the potty every time he needs to go, not just some of the time. Sometimes he’ll try to go multiple times in a row, squeezing what little drops he can, in order to get more than one M&M! I really feel that we’ve made a lot of headway with him so far. I have high hopes of having him completely potty trained by October at the very, very latest!

Patrick’s other new accomplishment, which we are not encouraging, is going into the pantry and taking out the soy milk and pouring himself a cup. We’ve had two cases of him getting soy milk all over the kitchen floor that way, and needless to say, I wasn’t very happy…

Andrew has been pretty busy with work, and I’ve been busy with taking care of the boys. I look forward to my sisters coming home this weekend. It will be nice to have some extra people around who are willing and eager to take care of two very active little guys!!!

I do have a couple pictures from yesterday. I also have a video of Sammy trying to crawl, but I’m being lazy right now and will download it later.


Patrick and Sammy share a biter biscuit. Patrick shoves his in his mouth right away and demands more, while Sammy carefully chews on his until Patrick steals and eats his, too.


Sammy enjoying his biter biscuit before Patrick manages to steal it!

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