Sad News…

July 13th, 2007

This morning, July 13, 2007, my last living grandparent, Leona Lucille Feucht, passed away. She died exactly ten years to the day after the death of her husband, Samuel Jacob Feucht, whom Sammy was named after.

I don’t know any other details, but I thought I’d let you all know.





  1. Grama E says

    I’m sure you and your family will miss her, but since she was a believer, it’s wonderful to know she is very happy now. It’s great she got to see and hold 2 little great grandsons, esp the one named for your grandfather. “The memory of the just is blessed.”

    July 13th, 2007 | #

  2. Alicia Gutierrez (Skrivan) says

    Hi Sarah,
    I am so sorry about your Grandma. Losing a grandparent is always so sad, but I hope that you and your family are able to enjoy remembering her and her life, and what a comfort to know that she is now in the presence of her Savior. Praying for your family,

    July 16th, 2007 | #

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