A Letter to My Oma and Opa

February 8th, 2008

Dear Oma and Opa,

Today Mommy dressed me in this outfit just for you. She told me that you are traveling far away to some sort of snowy wilderness called “Montana”. It sounds really cold there, and I hope you get there safely. I hope that when you’re done building snow caves and attempting to survive in the snow that you can do me a favor and build me a snowman. I miss you and hope you have a safe trip.

Love, Baby Ethan

P.S. Don’t expect to find Katze when you get home. We found a loving home for her… a Chinese family seemed very eager to have her over for dinner last night ;o).



  1. Kjerste says

    Too cute! Kaiya has that same shirt in pink. We should get pictures of them wearing their snowmen together before they outgrow them. I’ll try to remember to put Kaiya in hers if we get together next week.

    February 8th, 2008 | #

  2. Aunt Karen says

    Ethan, you are adorable … but oooh, this is quite serious about Katze!

    February 8th, 2008 | #

  3. rach says

    E-boy is so cute!!!! He loves his oma and opa! That was really cute what he sent Kaiya!

    February 8th, 2008 | #

  4. Grama E says

    I think Katze just may have set back US/China relations decades.


    February 10th, 2008 | #

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