Ethan’s Favorite Thing

March 7th, 2009

Besides whole milk and chocolate (yes, he already has a bit of a sweet tooth…), Ethan’s absolute favorite thing is…



He seriously gets excited every time I pull it out and he follows it around while I vacuum, sometimes even getting in the way of my work. This morning while I was vacuuming I had him in his high chair eating breakfast, and he did not like not being able to run after his favorite thing. As soon as he was done eating the first thing he did was run straight for the vacuum and give it a nice big “kiss” (more like slobbering on it, but it seems like he must have been trying!). The funniest thing of all is that Patrick and Sammy are scared of it! We’re slowly trying to get Patrick more involved in the chores, including vacuuming, but he still prefers our little handheld Dyson, and Sammy, well, he runs and cries if the vacuum gets anywhere near him. Not Ethan! He’s always running up to it, and I have to work hard to avoid hitting him every time I use the thing. He really is a strange, silly kid. I hear that Andrew loved vacuuming as a child… he must have gotten this one from his daddy 🙂



  1. Aunt Karen says

    What a cute helper! It looks like he’ll be doing the vacuuming before long!

    March 7th, 2009 | #

  2. Mandie McCreadie says

    JJ loved the vacuum when he was little and still does to this day. It is his chore; however, he loves doing it so much I don’t think I can call it a chore…more like a hobby!

    March 7th, 2009 | #

  3. Leanne says

    Funny! Both our boys love the vacuum too. They run around and get all excited, which is rather funny. In fact when Levin was little, he was lulled to sleep by the vacuum cleaner.

    March 7th, 2009 | #

  4. Amy says

    Blake loves the vacuum too! He’s a little more nervous of it lately, but he used to just follow me around and get in the way every time I used it! He also used to just stand next to it and look at it, pull off the attachments and try all the buttons. So funny what they take a liking to…

    March 9th, 2009 | #

  5. Elizabeth E. says

    What a sweet little man! Just like Ethan to run after the vacuum cleaner! No Fear! 🙂

    March 10th, 2009 | #

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