Bangladesh, Ethan and Ultrasounds

March 14th, 2009

My parents left for Bangladesh to help work in a mission hospital yesterday. I got a call from my mom from an airport in NY to tell me that they were preparing to board a plane to Qatar. It’s so weird that they’ll be gone for a whole ten weeks, and we’re not sure what sort of communication they’ll have while they’re gone. Our whole family would appreciate prayers for their safety while they are there.

Ethan seems to be doing fine. Yesterday he went back to solid foods and attempted to play with his brothers. However, the older two were a little rough with him and so after several warnings to the older boys and several very active attempts to play on the part of Ethan, I decided it was better for Ethan to play in his pack ‘n play. He didn’t like the idea too much, but he ended up falling asleep so it turned out alright. He did sleep quite a bit of the day yesterday, and I have been giving him the tylonal with codeine to help keep the pain away. He seems to be doing fairly well though- except for a couple times when he looked like he was trying to exert himself and put too much pressure on the incision site, I haven’t felt like he has been in too much pain. I just don’t want him to try to over-extend himself though, so depending how he does today I may or may not take him to church tomorrow.

And, lastly, this week we find out the gender hopefully!!! If you haven’t voted in our gender guessing game and would like to, now is the time. I go back and forth on thinking that maybe it’s a boy or a girl. I guess, in truth, I just don’t know. I’ve never been good at guessing things like this anyways. So, we’ll see…  We haven’t quite decided on a boy’s name yet- well, I had one, but then Andrew came up with a different idea, so who knows. It would be nice to use the girls name we’ve had for a while, but if we can’t, I know of a certain sister who said she’d love to use it if she ever had babies!!!

1 Comment »

  1. Aunt Karen says

    Boy, your parents have been heavy on my mind! Please keep us updated. Glad to hear that Ethan is recovering well! I told Uncle Steve that he can’t vote on this one. He won the last one, and he thinks this one will also be a BOY!

    March 16th, 2009 | #

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