And Some Pictures

April 3rd, 2009

Andrew requested pictures, so here are some from the past few weeks:


Port Townsend on a Saturday


Ethan always trying to get out of the stroller


Wearing Daddy’s sunglasses!


Boys throwing rocks in the water along a pebbly beach


Bunkers at Fort Flagger, which happens to be where I went on an overnight field trip my sophomore year of high school- brings back a TON of memories!


A trip on the Edmond/Kingston Ferry, which was HUGE! We got there close to before the ferry was suppose to leave and thought we might not get on, but we did with room to spare. I was amazed- it had a double deck for vehicles 🙂


Messy soft serve ice cream cone at Dairy Queen




Caught white handed… (it’s baking soda, which we were using to clean carpets…)


Ethan’s new pants that Mommy made for him!


Newborn pants for the new baby, using Selah’s “First Love” colorway


Sammy being silly on the potty


This picture would have been a lot less funny if he was actually able to reach the knife on the countertop. Note to me: no leaving knives on the counter top. Oh, and notice he put his blanket in the drawer, so his feet wouldn’t get hurt standing on the tuperware lids. Smart, smart, smart kid…. Every time he’s done this he’s always used the blanket!

1 Comment »

  1. Aunt Karen says

    It looks like everyone survived the “dread mocus” (term used for awful sickness) and had a really fun trip! I always LOVED the DQ chocolate cones dipped in butterscotch. As always … cute, cute boys!

    April 5th, 2009 | #

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