Samuel Vs. Betta Fish, Round Two

July 16th, 2009

You probably may remember this post, where Sammy was trying to be helpful in feeding our two betta fish and ended up getting fish food all over the kitchen. Well, several nights ago I was feeding our fish and thinking to myself how they were just finally starting to act normal again, after being rather sickly for about a week after their overfeeding. They were finally swimming around and fanning their tails and looking like happy fish. So, of course the next morning what happens? Sammy decides to overfeed them AGAIN. Only this time he dumped the entire brand new container of the fish food into the aquarium. Andrew discovered it first- everything looked just fine and normal until you took a good look at the aquarium. Both fish were doing very poorly- one of them was trapped under about an inch of rapidly soaking fish food. So, I quickly filled two bowls with water and grabbed the fish net. I was able to get the first fish out with no problem, but the second fish (the one under over an inch of food) did not look so hot and I could not get him into the net. So, I started to slowly pour some of the water out of the bowl, hoping to get rid of some of the food so I could reach the fish. Well, in the process the fish managed to go over the edge… yup, that’s right… despite how hard I tried to avoid that. He went straight down the drain, on the side of the sink with the garbage disposal. I felt sick to my stomach and immediate turned on the water. I called for Andrew to come immediately to feel in the drain to see if he could feel the fish, but he said that there was nothing down there. So, poor sick fishie ended up getting washed down the drain unintentionally. To be honest, I don’t know if the fish was going to recover after this incident even if he hadn’t gone down the drain, but I still feel bad that his death was hastened during efforts to save him. Oh, well. So, now we’re down to just one fishie and I’m afraid of buying any more fish food. We have a very little bit left in the container, just little enough that I don’t worry about killing that last fish if Sammy tries to feed him again!

1 Comment »

  1. Amy says

    Oh man! Maybe the fishie that went down the drain will have a happy ending like Nemo…

    July 16th, 2009 | #

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