We’ve got a pulse!

May 11th, 2016

Wow… we’ve been away from this site for over 4 years. The last post was shortly after we got Emma (who will be turning 5 later this year). Lots of changes have happened with the Flanagan’s in the last 4-5 years, but I won’t try to cover everything.  My hope is to start posting again about once a week to provide updates, especially to those who don’t use social media.IMG_1616

Some of the highlights:

  • We now have our 5 kids in 4 schools: 4 in local public schools and one at the Christian preschool a couple miles away.
  • In August of 2015, we moved to a 5 acre lot in Puyallup: still close to things, but a lot of room (and a lot of trees!)
  • Our life is WAY more involved in the kid’s school, sports, friends, and other activities than it was before… There’s always another extra-curricular activity to drive to
  • In addition to our dog Emma, we now also have 2 hamsters, a cat, and 18 chickens
  • Andrew’s still working for the same company (with a new name: Leidos) and also doing a lot of side-work with a Tacoma-based non-profit called 4US (that raises money for ultrasound machines)
  • Sarah’s keeping busy with the new house: gardening, taking care of chickens, shuttling kids, and also thinking about going back to school at some point

… that glosses over a lot. But going forward, at least once a week, the plan is to start writing again.


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